Dealing with bullying
Bullying can be in 3 forms, these include; Cyber bullying (on social media sites), physical bullying (being physically hurt such as being beaten up for no apparent reason) and verbal bullying (being called horrible names making you feel low).
From my past experience with being bullied, I believe that I should post about my experience with bullying and how I dealt with the situation. Also I will say what I learnt from being bullied from such a young age which still goes on until this day. I am more than happy to share my experience with you guys and give you some advice on how to deal with this situation if this is happening to you. So lets begin!
My experience
As I have stated in the introduction, I have been bullied from such as young age. The majority of my primary and secondary school life I was verbally bullied but I was very rarely cyber bullied and physically bullied! I wasn't a liked person in primary school as no one wanted to make friends with me! I felt alone. They thought I was some little kid who didn't have any feelings but as you know everyone has feelings. They called me names such as stupid, weirdo, thick, small and worthless. Being called such names made me feel so low about myself. I didn't talk to anyone about it because I didn't have any friends to turn to but also my parents thought I was ok and therefore they didn't make time for me to talk to them as they had to focus on my older brother who has needed help throughout his life. I felt like I couldn't talk to the teachers because I thought that the bullies will physically bully me and make the bullying worse. I thought no one would stand up for me and stop the bullying from happening but I realised that wouldn't happen unless I tell someone so that they will talk to the bullies and sort the situation out for me. It was years until I told someone about the bullying for it to stop. The bullying stopped for a little while and it began again. This time I was judged for the way I looked, dressed and acted. I started believing them. Being judged for who i am really hurt me on the inside. I cried myself to sleep every single night and I dreaded having to go to school. Some students in my year saw that I was constantly getting bullied and spoke to me. They instantly became my friends as they got to know me and know how I felt. They were so lovely. Since that day when I made some friends in primary school, I started to enjoy school more and they made the end of my primary school experience better for me. However, one of my bullies made friends with my friends and I was back to square one as she took my friends away from me. A new student came to our school and he was so kind. As he didn't know anyone in our year and I didn't have any friends, we became friends. We weren't alike in a sense of personality wise and the things we liked, we just became friends and then we started to enjoy school together. The times when one of the bullies weren't at school, my old friends came up to me and wanted to spend their time with me and the new student. At the of primary school, we all knew that we weren't going to see much of each other anymore as we were going to go up into secondary school which I dreaded because it was bigger than primary school and I knew that I had to make new friends because none of my friends from primary school were in my side of the year and in the same lessons as me.
In secondary school, I was bullied throughout secondary school as the people in my lessons didn't like me very much and this is when the name calling and judging got worse. It really got to me! I used to come home from school and went straight to my room and shutt myself in and cried until My eyes were sore and fell asleep. Recently I started getting called names and physically bullied when walking home from school. This time I spoke to my best friend about it. This made me feel better.
From my past experience with being bullied, I believe that I should post about my experience with bullying and how I dealt with the situation. Also I will say what I learnt from being bullied from such a young age which still goes on until this day. I am more than happy to share my experience with you guys and give you some advice on how to deal with this situation if this is happening to you. So lets begin!
My experience
As I have stated in the introduction, I have been bullied from such as young age. The majority of my primary and secondary school life I was verbally bullied but I was very rarely cyber bullied and physically bullied! I wasn't a liked person in primary school as no one wanted to make friends with me! I felt alone. They thought I was some little kid who didn't have any feelings but as you know everyone has feelings. They called me names such as stupid, weirdo, thick, small and worthless. Being called such names made me feel so low about myself. I didn't talk to anyone about it because I didn't have any friends to turn to but also my parents thought I was ok and therefore they didn't make time for me to talk to them as they had to focus on my older brother who has needed help throughout his life. I felt like I couldn't talk to the teachers because I thought that the bullies will physically bully me and make the bullying worse. I thought no one would stand up for me and stop the bullying from happening but I realised that wouldn't happen unless I tell someone so that they will talk to the bullies and sort the situation out for me. It was years until I told someone about the bullying for it to stop. The bullying stopped for a little while and it began again. This time I was judged for the way I looked, dressed and acted. I started believing them. Being judged for who i am really hurt me on the inside. I cried myself to sleep every single night and I dreaded having to go to school. Some students in my year saw that I was constantly getting bullied and spoke to me. They instantly became my friends as they got to know me and know how I felt. They were so lovely. Since that day when I made some friends in primary school, I started to enjoy school more and they made the end of my primary school experience better for me. However, one of my bullies made friends with my friends and I was back to square one as she took my friends away from me. A new student came to our school and he was so kind. As he didn't know anyone in our year and I didn't have any friends, we became friends. We weren't alike in a sense of personality wise and the things we liked, we just became friends and then we started to enjoy school together. The times when one of the bullies weren't at school, my old friends came up to me and wanted to spend their time with me and the new student. At the of primary school, we all knew that we weren't going to see much of each other anymore as we were going to go up into secondary school which I dreaded because it was bigger than primary school and I knew that I had to make new friends because none of my friends from primary school were in my side of the year and in the same lessons as me.
In secondary school, I was bullied throughout secondary school as the people in my lessons didn't like me very much and this is when the name calling and judging got worse. It really got to me! I used to come home from school and went straight to my room and shutt myself in and cried until My eyes were sore and fell asleep. Recently I started getting called names and physically bullied when walking home from school. This time I spoke to my best friend about it. This made me feel better.
This blog will continue in another post on how to deal with bullying part 2! I hope you enjoy this post and you learn from this post